Mambulao PNP men wait for vehicles with passengers who could be coming from other provinces.

CN provincial govt imposes new health protocols to check Covid variant

NEW restrictions have been imposed on persons entering the province and on residents in its 11 towns to check the spread of the Delta variant of the Covid-19 virus.

The new health protocols were issued early this month by the Office of the Governor under Executive Order 27.

The new rules took effect on Thursday, August 5, and are to last until the end of the month.

Under the new rules, only those entering the province on essential or medical errands would be allowed. The same requirements apply to those going out.

Tourists may not enter the province.

Those found positive of the virus through the antigen test at the borders will not be allowed home quarantine or isolation.

They will be taken back to their isolation or quarantine facilities in the towns where they live.

These include the APORs or persons allowed outside their residences and the non-APORs. They would be taken straight to quarantine or isolation facilities of their barangay.

Everyone must take an antigen test even if they had a complete dose of the vaccine.


Covid-19 status report in Camarines Norte as of August 12.

Those in the province12

Those age 17 and below and 66 and above may not go out of their residences unless on medical or health emergencies.

Seniors with complete doses of the vaccine could go out provided they carry their vaccination cards.

Curfew hours would be from 9 p.m.-4 a.m. Exempted from the curfew hours are workers at hospitals, drugstores, and other health facilities.






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